A review by faeonyx
Secrets of the Dragon Sanctuary by Brandon Mull


In this book, it seems like the character really begin coming into their own powers and starting to shine. Seth is still treated like an incapable child, but the older characters always fall back on that as due to his age. Kendra has started taking on more responsibility because circumstances dictate that she must. The characters learn that they must visit one of the forbidden dragon sanctuaries in order to retrieve a key to the place where one of the last artifacts is hidden away. In order to do so, they need the first horn of a unicorn, and there is only one place anyone knows where to get one. The centaurs at Fablehaven were given such a horn years ago.

The centaurs remain relatively flat, infuriating characters. Their personalities are set up like that from their first appearance during the Shadow Plague, but even while seeing the events unfold around them they are still unmoving. The entire interaction with the centaurs was tedious, and it was clear what the answer was going to be before they even went to speak with them. Enter Seth. As it turns out, a Shadow Charmer is the only person that can retrieve the horn without feeling the immeasurable guilt that comes from stealing something so pure. It can only be given freely, but Seth can avoid that guilt much like he can avoid magical fear.

Seth proves how clever he really is in this instance. He has to think for himself and figure out who he can trust and what advice to take. His status as a Shadow Charmer allows him a little more freedom around the darker creatures. He can understand them and they see him as a sort of brother or kin, it seems. It is in this way that he receives advice from Graulas and Nero to figure out how to get the horn. Seth uses cleverness and trickery, as well as a little brilliant timing, to get himself in and out, successfully retrieving the horn.

After this incident, it seems that Seth's grandparents wouldn't be able to ignore the fact that he is a useful member of the team, but they are still hesitant to let him go on any of the expeditions. Instead, Seth sneaks away in the bag that Kendra was delivered in before. Seth has done some crazy things before, but this is probably one of the craziest. No one discovers him until it is too late.

Inside the dragon sanctuary is where things become really interesting for Seth and Kendra. After all the adults seeming to doubt their abilities, it turns out that when Seth and Kendra are together and touching, they become dragon tamers. Kendra keeps away the mesmerizing effects of a dragon's presence and Seth's immunity to supernatural fear helps them combat the paralysis. They are able to move and speak together, causing something of a more interesting anomaly than the dragon tamers the dragons had seen before.

The main goal of this story is for the team to get into a secret Dragon Vault to find the key, but there was another deal that Seth had to make. He had to deliver some figurines to the giant so the giant wouldn't eat them. The team does get in and manages to successfully retrieve the needed items, but then it is discovered that Gavin is the evil Demon Prince Navarog. This is a theme that has been played upon in all the other books. Kendra and Seth never seem to learn that the reach of the Society and the Sphinx goes far further than they would have imagined. Gavin was a plant from the very beginning, and he was the figure that had been removed from the quiet box at Fablehaven.

However, countering that point, Kendra meets a strange dragon named Raxtus. He was raised by fairies after his clutch was attacked by a cockatrice. Because of this, he is smaller in size than other dragons and his powers are not as remarkable. Raxtus also rather likes humans. He finds them interesting and offers to help Kendra. It is already extraordinarily difficult to decide which characters you can and can't trust, and just when you get into the habit of not trusting anyone, the author shows you a shy dragon that ends up saving the day by eating Gavin. His action earns him a little favor with the dragons, especially his father.

Overall, the building action in this book makes it a little more interesting. There are still some frustrating parts, but the action and the progression more than make up for it. The reveals are good and timed well and the defeat of Navarog actually serves to build a little more trust in the story and the author and leaves the reader with a sense of hope. The Society is already leaps and bounds ahead of the Knights, and it becomes painfully obvious in this book that the Knights are losing ground. However, with the way things are represented, it becomes difficult to call the battle over just yet. There is still the possibility with this one victory that they still might be able to turn the tables and come out of this successfully.

The character and story progression in this book was probably better than that of the others. It seems that all the characters learn and grow more, even in the tragedies that they experience. They discover things about themselves, the world around them, and their team. Some alliances seem to be severed (and rightly so) but that serves the purpose of making the other connections much more solid in the end. Utter chaos is beginning to tear the world apart, and it has been made perfectly clear by now that the fate of the entire world lies squarely on the shoulders of Seth and Kendra.