A review by jsedge
Heirs of Power by Kay MacLeod


F'ing INCREDIBLE! And I totally gift Asher the whole of my heart ❤️

I honestly had no expectations going into this. I was just in the mood for a fantasy escape, and this one caught my eye. Didn't even read the blurb before d/ling it.

So glad that's the way I played it! Because seriously, when this book blew me away, the impact was all the more satisfying for being entirely unanticipated.

The world is fascinating. There's a shit-tonne of action here. It's a wild adventure crammed with twists and turns. But above all else, this is a character-driven story with real depth and emotion and humour.

Kitty is an awesome protagonist. And she did a fantastic job of pulling me into her head and making me care.
Blindsided by the revelation of her inherited gifts and thrust into a mission for the world she was unprepared for, this girl doesn't waste precious time agonising over the tough hand she's been dealt or allowing her self-doubt to cripple her. The Archer steps up and deals, keen and determined.
Caught in the midst of in-group conflict, this girl doesn't cave to peer pressure or taking sides. And caught out by the enemy she's only just learned of, she strikes hard and fierce without hesitation.

Kitty's fellow Constellations are such a thoroughly mixed bag of personalities that even the simple task of them setting up camp together could explode into something as dramatic as the fight scenes.
The bickering and banter is stupendously entertaining. Each group member has unique characteristics and motivations, all fully believable based on their backgrounds, and their interactions carry a very natural and fluid feel. (Also, passionate love of tea = relatable!)

Even though I came to expect an incident of mortal peril with every turn of the page, the attacks still managed to always catch me unawares. Cleverly written and fast-paced, there's not a dull moment, nor is there a predictable one.

Heirs of Power is not a romance. But it's not without the tease of some.
Our Archer and the Juggler have some scorching white-hot sparkiness going on between them, and. It. Is. Glorious!

The Juggler is an anti-social snarkmaster called Asher, and he is -without a shadow of a doubt -one of the most amazing fictional characters I've ever fallen for. Asher is just so wonderfully sharp-witted and damaged and adorable. Totally kick-ass too. And the way he slowly begins opening himself up to Kitty made my chest ache!

Heirs of Power is a book I'd recommend to everyone (and all their friends).