A review by chllybrd
Consumed by Rebecca Zanetti


I didn't realize that CONSUMED was the fourth book in the series until about half way through reading it and i honestly would have never guessed that it wasn't the first if I wouldn't have noticed that.

The pace was nice and fast, I was never bored and the characters were all fun to follow. The twists were well revealed and they was plenty of action. Katie and Jordan had fantastic chemistry together and I loved how their relationship progressed even though they were both pretty stubborn. The world that the series is set in was easy to fall into and I cant wait to read more about it. I loved how the last chapter took place 2 years later so we could follow up on them, I'm always disappointed when books end without letting us know what happens so that was a great surprise.

I don't think I will go back and read books 1-3 because I don't really like to go backwards but I will defiantly be following the series here on out.