A review by ericwelch
Eight Million Ways to Die by Lawrence Block


Another quick novel is Eight Million Ways to Die by Lawrence Block, author of the “Burglar” series of mysteries (wonderful stuff). In this book his hero is Matthew Scudder, who reminds me of Ross Mac- Donald’s hero, Lew Archer. Scudder is hired by Kim, a hooker, who wants him to intercede with her pimp, Chance, so she can leave the business. Kim is subsequently murdered, with all the suspicion falling on Chance, who then hires Scudder to find the real killer. Chance is an unusual pimp, who squires his stable of six girls to assorted cultural events and who collects African tribal art. Scudder, meanwhile, in true hardboiled tradition, is fighting his own demons, and a subplot revolves around his battle against loneliness and alcohol. The resolution is perhaps a little too neat, but Block is a good writer, and the Scudder series is a welcome addition to the genre.