A review by dollycas
Fatality by Firelight by Lynn Cahoon


Dollycas’s Thoughts

Cat Latimer is excited for her 2nd writer’s retreat since she has returned to Colorado and turned the home she and her now deceased ex-husband used to share into a B&B. Her best friend Shauna is by her side as the chef for the retreats and as the person who keeps everything organized so Cat still has time to work on her own writing. Cat has also reunited with her high school boyfriend, Seth, handyman, and chauffeur extraordinaire for the B&B and the retreats. Her Uncle Pete just happens to be the sheriff which comes in handy because trouble seems to follow Cat on a regular basis.

This round of authors is an eclectic group. The romance author, Christina, seems to have forgotten what the retreat is about and hooks up with a local guy she met at the nearby ski resort. The problem, he is engaged to another woman and he is now dead. The evidence points right at Christina but she swears she didn’t do it. There’s also a new guy in town who would like to get to now Cat better but she thinks he knew her ex-husband and may know why he died. Her uncle is also hot on the case of a very valuable book stolen from the library. Things seem to be snowballing out of control in Aspen Hills, can Cat rein them in and solve all the mysteries with just a little help from her friends?

I am really kicking myself for getting behind on this series because I love these characters, I love the theme, and who wouldn’t love the Colorado setting.

Ms. Cahoon’s characters are so well developed, their dialogues flow so easily. They are realistic, engaging and funny at all right times. Cat, Shauna, and Seth make a fantastic team. Uncle Pete is positively priceless.

I like that Cat and Seth appear to be a perfect match but that Cat realizes she needs to work out a few things about her ex before she can truly move on. The subplot dealing with Micheal’s demise and what he was involved in prior to his death continues from one book to the next. More clues are revealed in this installment that makes it clear his death what not how it appeared. I enjoy that this string connecting each story.

The author does a terrific job of drawing the reader in. The mysteries are intricately woven together in an exciting way. I found the story to be complex and very hard to put down. Learning that “the mob” has a connection to the town that Cat didn’t realize gave the story a very different insight. The excitement ramped up at several places in the book and the ending was really intense. I loved it.

The only good thing about being behind on this series is that the next book, Of Murder and Men is already on my To-Be-Read shelf and I can’t wait to start reading it!