A review by lizaroo71
Parkland: Birth of a Movement by Dave Cullen


It's difficult to rate a book like this one, because the subject matter is tough. Cullen wrote [b:Columbine|5632446|Columbine|Dave Cullen|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1442939134s/5632446.jpg|5803859] which does an excellent job of dissecting the effect of this mass shooting on the community.

Cullen feels drawn to the students of Marjory Stoneman Douglas following the Valentine's Day shooting and followed the uprising lead by a motivated group of young adults. We get the leaders that have always been in the news, David Hogg and Emma Gonzalez, but we also get the other group of kids that advocate for change in their school and in their community.

It's been a long time that we have seen an uprising of this kind. I hope it doesn't lose momentum as the number of mass shootings breaks my heart.

I recommend also reading [b:The Second Amendment|18778874|The Second Amendment|Michael Waldman|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1397767878s/18778874.jpg|26686161] which does a good job of following the trajectory of the NRA and how it came to be such a powerhouse political lobbying force.

This book doesn't focus on the tragedy, but the healing process of marching for change.