A review by libralita
Superpower: Three Choices for America's Role in the World by Ian Bremmer


I appreciate that Bremmer is giving the three different ways to go about foreign policy as unbiased as he could and then give his opinion. I find it annoying when people don’t give their perspective.

My original answers:

1A 2C 3C 4A 5C 6A 7C 8C 9B 10A

Independent America Score: 1 (5C)

Moneyball America Score: 6 (2C, 3C, 4A, 6A, 8C, 10A)

Indispensable America Score: 3 (1A, 7C, 9B)

So after reading this book, I’m now incredibly conflicted. Bremmer really sold me on the whole Independent foreign policy strategy and usually I really like that strategy but…it just feel so unrealistic. All these ideas feel really unrealistic. Independent is because America is always for some reason or another going to be forced into a conflict. Moneyball because if someone wants to be involved in a conflict they’re going to get it, they could lie about Weapons of Mass Destruction, where there’s not or something. Going off a list isn’t going to work, also it’s funny that most of my answers on the quiz were Moneyball but I really did not like that section of the book. Then Indispensable is unrealistic because America isn’t always going to be a mighty superpower. What happens is we have economic crash back at home and we can’t afford to be the World Police? Societies will just crumble.

While I think Independent is too idealistic, Bremmer really did sell me on the idea. It sounded the nicest, probably because that’s the one he wanted to do. I wish that put the Independent last, like first Indispensable, Moneyball and then Independent so that the reader is less bias going through the book. Other than that I really enjoyed this book and now I’ve got to write a paper on it. Kill me.