A review by velcroedtobooks
Murder Uncorked by Maddie Day


Murder with wine? 1st book in the series, murder uncorked tells the story of Cece Barton, a widowed single mom, who moved to California and has taken over as a wine bar manager. Unfortunately, a person she is not in great terms with winds up dead and she finds herself in the middle of the murder investigation.

To start off I am not a wine person, so the wine terms definitely went over my head. But I did not let this affect my judgement of the book or the writing. The writing style was a little messy for my liking, characters were being thrown in left, right and center and made me wonder ‘where does this character fit in?’. I had to go back and read some parts again to figure out how they showed up or who they were. Some of them were quite easy to forget too.

Cece was great, she was independent, has a quirky nature but was a little nosy. Her reasons for getting into the investigation was not convincing enough and the way she went about it was quite blunt and straightforward. Which made me wonder how nobody questions her? I found myself skimming through the pages as I went further down. There was no great investigation happening and the reveal was quite underwhelming.

This book was not my cup of tea and I don’t think I would go further with this series.

Thanks to Net galley and Kensington books for the e-ARC in exchange for an honest review!