A review by too_hot_books_to_handle
The Lost Future of Pepperharrow by Natasha Pulley


"The lost future of Pepperharrow is the second book in the duology together with " The watchmaker of Filigree street"

The watchmaker of Filigeestreet was one of my favourite books that i read in 2020. The story goes about Taniel Steepleton who find a golden pocket watch on his pillow when he return towards his home after a long workday. He doesn't know who left the watch in his apartment. When the mysterious watch saves his live 6 months later he is determined to find the watchmaker.

His quest leads him to the japanese Keita Mori who turns out to be the watchmaker. See my earlier review of this first book in the series. I loved the main characters and the original storyline.

In "The lost future of Pepperharrow" we learn more about the background of Keita Mori. We are traveling with Keita and Taniel towards Japan. Mori is a very rich baron who have his own staff in Japan. His precious life there was super luxe compared with his way of living in London where he and Taniel used to live together. Mori to Daniel's surprise turns out to be married. He left his wife 10 years ago to start a new life in London. Mori is a clairvoyant and that lead to a really unexpected original storyline. Meanwhile Taniel gets the task to find out why the japanse legation complains about "seeing" ghosts.

I was really surprised about the spooky storyline turn since the first book in the series is not spooky at all . Therefore i think that Pulley did a really good job with surprising her readers with a complete different world building in this second book. She is a absolute master when it comes to charactisation.

I don't want to spoil the book, i would recommend this book to everyone who is into historical fiction and books with a surprising storyline. Keep in your mind that it is essential to read the first book in this duology in order to be able to understand the storyline.