A review by skavansieur
September 11, 2001: The Day the World Changed Forever by Héloïse Chochois, Baptiste Bouthier


What I know about the September 11 incident is limited. I've heard of it, know a little of what happened, but this is the first book that I've read about this day. It definitely helped me understand the severity of it, as it is more than about the thousands of people who lost their lives that day. There were also plenty of events that happened shortly after.

From the September 11 incident, it branched out into the Patriot Act, the NSA, terrorism and war. It showed me something new that I never knew about, which I'm very thankful for. Unfortunately, there was only a short part on Islamophobia and racism, which I wished they could've highlighted more of. Although, they covered a bit on the Guantanamo detention camp.

My favourite part was when Juliette's mother asked "from what angle?", in regard to Juliette telling her mother about the discussion her history class had regarding the incident. It was a brief moment, but that question was impactful.

It seems strange to comment about the illustrations when such a heavy and important matter is at hand, but it is great. I particularly liked the airport scenes, the one with the firefighters going up the stairs, and the one on the many U.S. intelligence. I liked how they fit multiple ideas into just one frame of a page.

It is sad to say not much has changed, but I'm still glad to have been able to learn about world history through this book.