A review by e333mily
And Our Faces, My Heart, Brief as Photos by John Berger


reading berger feels like watching ducks swim across a clear lake & tracing the ripples they leave behind in the water. spacious. clarifying. and so so beautiful. i will treasure this book forever.

“[Poems] bring a kind of peace. Not by anaesthesia or easy reassurance, but by recognition and the promise that what has been experienced cannot disappear as if it had never been…that language has acknowledged, has given shelter, to the experience which demanded, which cried out.”

“In all poetry words are a presence before they are a means of communication.”

“Poetry can repair no loss but it defies the space which separates. And it does this by a continual labour of reassembling what has been scattered.”

“What reconciles me to my own death more than anything else is the image of a place: a place where your bones and mine are buried, thrown, uncovered, together…It is strange that this image of our proximity, concerning as it does mere phosphate of calcium, should bestow a sense of peace. Yet it does. With you I can imagine a place where to be phosphate of calcium is enough.”