A review by ameserole
Claiming Felicity by Susan Stoker


Wow, that ending though.

Okay I loved this series and getting to know all of the characters. Well, everyone but grace's parents because they sucked major ass. Also, her mom totally got what she deserved form my girl named karma.

Other than that, I loved Ryder and Felicia being together. They were adorable and I probably would've been super pissed at this book if things didn't go a certain away. Like for instance, this crazy creeper stalker from her past. Yeah, he needed to go. Didn't expect that way he was going to go though but enjoyed it nonetheless. Then this book threw all kinds of twists and turns at me. I didn't like all of them but they kept this book a freaking page turner!

I couldn't put it down and just wanted to know what the hell was going to happen. In the end, everyone got what they deserved. I'm happy all of the brothers are living their happily ever after. I'm glad everything is still together. AND now I want some baby magic happening. Right now people! Chop chop!

I loved this series and I will definitely try to find another book by this author.