A review by coveredbychristine
Maybe Once, Maybe Twice by Alison Rose Greenberg


Going into this I was interested in the concept of the story. How did the main character, Maggie, come to the idea that she has to be married by 35 and why did she feel the need to cover her bases by asking two of the closest men in her life, Asher and Garrett, to marry her if she was still single by then? It was definitely a unique twist on a second chance romance, but felt confusing due to the constant flashbacks that take you all over Maggie’s life starting at age 14. Listen, I already have enough going on in my life that I do not feel the need to create a corkboard timeline to keep up with homegirl’s life and love story. Also don’t even get me started on the third act break-up, it was one page and completely unnecessary.