A review by bernieanderson
Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln by Doris Kearns Goodwin


This was fantastic. Well worth the investment of time (not a quick read!) and attention.
Three real things that stick out to me as I reflect on this book.

1. Lincoln's leadership.
There are so many leadership lessons in this book. Lincoln's leadership intuition was incredible. From the premise of the subtitle (Make your rival's you allies) to simple things like: Learn to lead with story telling and learn the "power of the pause." There's so much here. If you're interested, check out a podcast episode I did with a friend of mine about this very issue. (As of this writing the episode is not released yet -- but should be episode 21). https://growability.com/podcast-home/

2. Chase's lack of leadership:
No one has really heard of Salmon P. Chase. I know I hadn't until I read this book. The contrast between Chase and Lincoln was startling. In laying aside his ambitions for the cause, Lincoln became a legend. In pursuing this ambition in the name of the cause, Chase is barely a memory. I found his arch sobering.

3. Racism is built into the systems of our Country.
You can't take an objective look at history and not see this. The system is not broken. It was actually built this way. This book helps to absolutely see this.

Highly recommended. Maybe the best thing I've read this year so far.