A review by dianie25
Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater


This book turned out to be one of my "I-didn't-like-it-a-lot/it's-not-really-my-thing" and "didn't-like-it-at-first-then-at-the-end-it's-so--!!!!" type of books. Specifically, I wasn't into the poetry as much as others might of been. For me in parts of the book, in my head I was saying "yeah yeah yeah 'love, lust, poetry, morphing, temperature'." over and over again. I kind of thought, personally, that it was slow paced, but it worked somehow to make me all jumpy towards the end's climax!
At the last few chapters where there is action, I felt really engrossed on the last few days of reading Shiver. (Not that the whooooole other parts of the book were "boring, meh", it just that Stiefvater's writing style was more new and different to me). I can not believe that I was going to not finish reading it and go to another book! I'm glad I didn't!
On the last pages, I read so fast and yet read so carefully. I finished at one in the morning and ahhhhhh this cliffhanger is killing me!!
I gave this book 3.5 out of 5 stars. I feel like the next book will be better with me now understanding this book better by rereading a few chapters!