A review by cassandra72
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee



(contains spoilers)
To kill a mockingbird was a very fascinating read. I thought a lot of things after reading other reviews, but mine stays the same: the book is based on the experience the author had, a privileged white woman, and thus I really like how she didn't try to make it primarily a portrayal of the lives of black people in the south. 

Then Atticus is definitely not some kind of messiah or the standard, but considering the awful prejudices of white people he is brave to defend a black man. He is simply doing his job as a lawyer,while having some pretty strange ideas for those years about equality between black and white people.

Again I definitely hear and understand those that are saying the book is flawed, because the black people are only two dimensional and secondary characters. But how would she know? How would I know? I think the scene where the children go with Calpurnia to church and are so surprised that she has a life outside their house shows perfectly that the author understands her own limitations. 

Lastly, the dark reality is that Tom Robinson died, and he died a guilty man, something that also shows the readers that one man definitely couldn't change his fate. 

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