A review by calbowen
Furies of Calderon by Jim Butcher


This is a very good read and I like the entire concept of this book - for anyone who does not know, Jim Butcher wrote this based on someone suggesting that you cannot make a good book from a lame idea, so Mr Butcher said give me 2 - he got Roman Legion and Pokeman

The characters are based on the Roman legion and they all have very Roman-esque names to go along with it as well as their manner of dress and weaponry and fighting

The Pokeman element is that they are able to control things called "Furies" which are elemental creatures with a name and they can be used to fight, build, heal, and sense the truth, depending on their user and their element.

There is a lot of what I would consider to be "bending" like the last airbender, but this came out in 2004, which means that it was written prior to that date, and the Last Airbender came out in 2005 - so, Jim Butcher had a concept not yet released to the public, and his way is much better, in my very humble opinion.

This is very much in the vain of high fantasy in that there are several characters that we follow in their own chapters, as well as the villain, and multiple things going on at once - these factors of the book are handled well, and for a man who introduced me to Urban Fantasy, I will say, 'Job well done on this as well'.

High marks for the Codex Alera and this is a must read for anyone who enjoys High Fantasy but wants a little something different for a change of pace.