A review by aliciagriggs
An Altar in the World: A Geography of Faith by Barbara Brown Taylor


I really liked this book. I love the focus that you don't have to go to church to worship and to pray, but rather, as God made the world, use the world and everyday things to worship and praise God. The book teaches that every little thing, an insect, a stick, is worthy of praise and prayer. The book recommends we slow down, pause, and remember God in our every day, mundane activities; an interesting concept.

What I disliked about the book is the hypocrisy and cognitive dissonance that the author shows towards animals. She even tells a rather disturbing story about seeing chickens being transported to their death, feeling sorrow for them, and then declaring that she will continue to eat chickens regardless... It disgusted me actually, and made me feel something akin to dislike and disrespect for her. How can I truly respect someone who says that we should honour, respect, and even love every one of God's creatures, and then in the next instance declare that she will eat them, regardless of knowing about their suffering. Only a fool would think that these animals that are used for their flesh, skin, or secretions don't suffer- they were born to die, an horrific truth, and hardly respectful, especially when considering that their natural lifespan is radically reduced to a few weeks or years, and that they spend most, if not all, of this time in suffering, humiliation, terror, and pain. To know this, and still voice that we should rejoice them...hypocrite!
Throughout the book, just as I forget or move on from the hypocrisy, she voices another inconsistent action towards animals, such as praying for hunters to have a successful hunt, or voicing yet again her enjoyment of eating animal flesh.
If she didn't mention these things and I took what she said about nature, loving it and respecting it, then I would think she didn't eat animal products. So her actions and her values are not aligned, which makes this book so difficult in parts to respect. If this wasn't the case, it would be at least four stars, but unfortunately, I find myself struggling with her teachings when her lack of awareness and alignment is so stark.

A lot of interesting things to consider and interesting ways to draw closer to God.