A review by atullio
Connections in Death by J.D. Robb


Nora Roberts as J.D. Robb does it again. It took me about a day to read this one between work and other distractions, but it was definitely a good one. I know I stayed up later than I should have on a work night to finish it! The percentage mark was taunting me, being in the 90% range. I kept thinking, "Only a few more chapters, I can do this!" Before I knew it, it was going on midnight. For some perspective, I usually try to be in bed and asleep by 10:30PM, 11PM by the absolute latest on work nights. That 5:45AM wake up call comes quicker than you'd believe.

That being said, I feel like this book was shorter than the others, but maybe I just read it FASTER. Who knows? I enjoyed it either way!

This book brings our usual host of characters, plus some who haven't visited us in a while. Most notably is Crack, who in turn introduces us to a new character who will become the part of the focus of this installment.

Without going into too many spoilery details, I loved the cooperation found within this book. Between homicide, the gang division, the drug division. To an extent, even the FBI, although we see very little of their role. My favorite moment in the book was after all the major action took place and Eve was holding a debriefing before interviews, where everyone thought Roarke sent in the food, not Eve. With each person who kept asking if it was Roarke or where he was, I kept expecting Eve's eye to twitch or her to literally, physically kick someone... Even her commander.

I think we as readers and a society can learn a lot from these characters and how Robb portrayed them. Even teenagers are capable of murder, rape, theft, and other unspeakable acts. Repeat your own bullshit to yourself for long enough and even you will start to believe it. Even if you love someone, they don't always have your best interests at heart. You will never fully and truly know what goes on in someone else's mind.