A review by jaclynder
The Devil's Heart by Cathy Maxwell


This wasn’t my favourite Cathy Maxwell book; I think the curse aspect went a little too far into the fantastic for my taste. I don’t think I would have been as thrown for the loop had I read the previous books in the Chattan Curse trilogy. The curse, presumably, had been explained in the previous two books, so getting to this one, I felt that I really missed out on what had been going on to this point.

I also wasn’t crazy about the characters in this one. Margaret and Heath both seemed to fall a little flat and seemed more like stereotypes than characters. I didn’t really feel like either character connected to one another; therefore, I questioned the depth of their feelings for one another. I don’t think you should be questioning the hero and heroines emotions – this is romance after all, they HAVE to be in love by the end and the reader has to believe it (at least, in my opinion).

Overall, I wasn’t stunned by this one, but it’s one that you have to read if you want to know how the Chattan Curse is resolved.

*Review copy provided by the publisher via Edelweiss.