A review by archergal
Ancestral Night by Elizabeth Bear


Alternating between ebook and audio, because audio narrator is kinda hard for me to understand.
ETA: finished listening to this today while I was sewing masks for COVID19. I really liked it! It's a nice good hard SF story with an interesting female heroine. I liked all the spaceship stuff and the epic galaxy-spanning adventure.

I know I've bounced off some of Elizabeth Bear's work in the past. (Note: I bounce off a LOT of books. I'm insanely picky in my old age.) But this was pretty perfect for me. It was also mostly optimistic, which I NEEDED right now like a fish needs water. So thank you for that, Ms. Bear!

I did have some trouble understanding the narrator of the audiobook. There are some voices and accents that I have to work to understand, and hers was one of them.

+1, would read again, and I rarely do that.