A review by heidig
Can I tell you about Anxiety?: A guide for friends, family and professionals by Kaiyee Tay, Polly Waite, Lucy Willetts


Willetts and Waite have written a stellar "beginners guide" to anxiety. It's a perfect introductory resource book for upper elementary aged children and their parents. I read this book with my own anxious ten year old and she agreed that it was spot on in its portrayal of anxious feelings and behaviors. She especially appreciated that the narrator of this book is also a ten year old girl The language is age appropriate and uses proper medical and psychological terminology without being scary or overwhelming. We were especially taken with the section on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and learned new ideas about how to think about and respond to anxiety producing situations and anxious feelings. The annotated bibliography at the end of the book looks to be an excellent resource!