A review by thepaperreels
Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine by Gail Honeyman


I think that we all have a friend like Eleanor. If not, we probably all KNOW a person like Eleanor. We just pass them in the hallway. We don’t even notice that they’re there sometimes. They go to work, sit in front of their desk, do their job, then they’re gone.

I read some reviews about how Eleanor was a little unlikeable to them in the first few chapters and yet, I was completely endeared by her from the start. I knew she’s not someone you would call “normal” but this is the reason why I fell in love with her character straight away. She was hilarious and can be a little cruel without even meaning it. Eleanor is a wonderful and well-written believable character. She’s imperfect as we all are, and truly showed the difficulty of coping with a traumatic event. Side characters such as Raymond were such a delight as well. We all need a Raymond in our life. Someone patient and understanding enough about the demons we’re secretly fighting behind closed doors. Even if we’re not letting them in yet. Or especially because of that. I love the fact that the author did not force any romantic aspect in this book but still wrote about the importance of relationships in human life. Doesn’t necessarily have to be romantic.

Although I adored Eleanor’s story so much, a little something that kept me from rating this book 5 stars is the ending. It felt SO rushed. For me, it focused more on the “un-normal-ness” of Eleanor and not on the WHY. Which would make the book a 5 star read for me. But I see how Gail Honeyman tried to pack this all in the last few chapters where Eleanor was talking with the therapist/counselor.

But there are some books you read where you feel like you lost a friend when you finish them. So, yes, I did cry when I turned the last page of Eleanor oliphant is completely fine. I was not fine at all. I was unprepared. Reading some of Eleanor’s thoughts and perspectives felt like reading a diary of mine and that’s why this book is so close to my heart. It also talked about the dirtiest word there is on the internet right now: loneliness. Written in a nice balance of the funny and bittersweet, Eleanor is Completely Fine is a tale I will not be forgetting any time soon.