A review by lost_goddess
The Someday Suitcase by Corey Ann Haydu


Things I liked:
1. The writer has a friendly style and decent description.
2. The writer did a great job in capturing the emotions of an 11 yo protagonist as she travels this rough journey.

Things that bother me:
1. The author described leaves as changing from green to yellow to orange, etc, as having a progression of colors. Suggest the author Google that. Different types of tree leaves turn different colors. It's science.
2. The author has no understanding of the scientific method, or she writes really bad teachers. I've taught science and conducted science fairs, and there was no way I let my students engage in experiments like the one Clover is doing.
3. CVID has a treatment. As someone with a chronic illness, I know I did everything I could to find a diagnosis and treatment. Take him to the frickin Cleveland Clinic. So, the author wrote bad parents and doctors, or didn't research very well.

Given the evidence above, I'm leaning toward the author and editors needing to do a better job at researching. Or listening in K-12 science classes.