A review by moshikami
A Dance with Dragons by George R.R. Martin


GRRM's writing is always solid, but ADWD focuses on some of the characters I find least enjoyable to read about *cough*Jon*cough*Dany*cough*Tyrion*cough*. I know these are the "main" (Mary Sue, except for Tyrion) characters of the series, but a dense tome about them isn't exactly what I longed for in the series. Of course, there are other characters in ADWD, but some of my favourites were noticeably missing/not featured as prominently as AFFC: Cersei, Sansa, and Arya, for example. I know that this is because GRRM split AFFC and ADWD by characters, rather than chronologically, but I can't help how I feel about the various characters of ASoIaF.

What I enjoyed most about ADWD were the Davos chapters and the one-off chapters, such as "The Wayward Bride".