A review by secre
Sworn by Sarah K.L. Wilson


The fifth installment in this bite sized series, and I have to say that this was by far the best so far. It's thin on the grounds in terms of action, but the world building begins to play more of a part here and some of the aspects which have been held just out of reach are beginning to come to light.

I also felt that the side characters were far stronger here, with more time spent on them. This was true both for characters we have seen previously and for new characters like Hubric, who I suspect we are going to see a lot more of.

When the action comes, it comes with a bang and I really did feel like this was a far better balance of interesting world building and some climatic final action scenes. I was slightly disappointed that the first omnibus finished on the same cliff-hanger endings as all of the previous installments, but I admit I actively enjoyed this one.

My usual qualifier stands though; if you have Kindle Unlimited and like short, bite sized fiction then this is worth looking into. If you don't have KU though, it's an expensive way to get your fix.