A review by annettebooksofhopeanddreams
Rose by Ripley Proserpina


The moment I heard about this book and that the main character was suffering from Chronic Pain, I knew I had to had it. And when I saw the low price on Amazon it all of a sudden ended up in my basket and was ordered. And when I started reading yesterday, I already knew I was so not gonna regret it!

Rose, the main heroine, has lived through a horrible attack of her city Boston and has now Chronic Pain. And that description of the chronic pain, how it behaves, how it influences your life, how it's different each day and unpredictable, how you'll never know if you'll have a good or a bad day, how doctors want to keep on experimenting, even when they can't give any new information or solutions, it all felt very familiar, without it feeling like the main focus of the story.

Because the chronic pain was only a small part of the story and the overall plot, that was absolutely gripping and at times even very surprising. I didn't read the first series, so the entire world was new to me, but I enjoyed the world building and the mythology and I can't wait to learn more about it in the upcoming books. Rose's search for answers about the world and who she is, is addictive.

Okay, and maybe the three brother she meets along the way are addictive too. I loved how each of the brothers was different, but they were all easy to fall for. I could totally identify with Rose and why she would so quickly admit that she was in love with them. And I'm really enjoying those #whychoose novels where there are no ugly fights over pretty girls and where the girl doesn't have to hurt some guys to be with the other.

And now I'm counting down the days until the next book is released.