A review by yourwordsmyink
My Dark Vanessa by Kate Elizabeth Russell

Read more at http://www.yourwordsmyink.com/my-dark-vanessa-book-review/

This is another one of those books that I can't really CAWPILE. I have also decided not to give it a rating. Now I usually give ratings to all of the books I read for review, but I felt like I couldn't rate this one. You'll soon see why.

I'm angry. And I'm not entirely sure if I can articulate that anger. As you know, this book details the relationship between a student and her (much older) teacher. My Dark Vanessa includes heavy topics, such as grooming, rape, sexual assault and society's view of rape. It was disturbing to read, to say the least. It made me super uncomfortable, as intended.

Vanessa tells us the story, so even though we know she's being abused, she does not see it that way. It gives the book a very weird atmosphere since we're caught up between Vanessa's feelings and our own. This alone makes the book brilliant, and I was definitely feeling what the author wanted me to feel. I went from frustrated with Vanessa (who has some underlying issues before she meets Strane) to being angry about the things that happened to her.

Strane manipulates her into believing the rape and abusive is what she wanted. That is so many levels of messed up. Let me be very clear, RAPE IS RAPE. There's no in-between, no grey area. Consent is not that difficult to understand, and coercing someone into sleeping with you is still rape.

I'm angry about this book because even though there's no doubt in my mind that Strane abused Vanessa, she still does not believe it. I hate that Vanessa is treated like some "crazy, delusional, teenager" and that she is blamed for Strane's behaviour. I do however believe that these kinds of stories are important and that we should talk about these topics in a sensitive manner.

But I hate that this kind of mindset is still prevalent today. I am angry because I live in the rape capital of the world, and our leaders and the world just turns a blind eye.

I am angry, I am tired, but mostly I'm sad that people (and especially women in South Africa) still have to live in fear.

Thank you to Jonathan Ball Publishers for the review copy. All opinions are my own.