A review by barnsey
Pig Island by Mo Hayder


I'd heard Mo Hayder's name mentioned on several occasions in various book discussion groups, which immediately piqued my curiosity. I decided it was time to find out more. Looking through her back catalogue I settled upon Pig Island, one of her standalone novels with seemingly dark undertones. I was excited - it could be right up my alley. It immediately appealed with it's cover art of foreboding dark skies and Celtic cross towering above the landscape. From the outset I found it to be an atmospheric and creepy read.

When a video comes to light of a strange creature seen on Pig Island's beach, it leads to rumours of Satanic worship and rituals. Journalist Joe Oakes goes in search of his old nemesis - cult leader and all-round madman, Malachi Dove - who has made the island his home. What Joe discovers is a divided community with Dove's ex-followers now living in fear.

Skillfully written with a plot that slowly grips and doesn't surrender, I really enjoyed this novel. It's dark and creepy; encompassing different genres. Yes, there are moments that will leave you chilled but it's not a blood-curdling shocker. It instills a growing sense of unease and a strong feeling that something's not right. Admittedly it wont be everyone's idea of a bedtime read, but I loved the journey it took me on and look forward to reading more by this author.

Read my review on my blog: https://bit.ly/2LK7h6U