A review by stephbookshine
Fate of Dragons by Alisha Klapheke


*I received a free copy of this book, with thanks to the author. The decision to review and my opinions are my own.*

Fate of Dragons is a classic epic fantasy series-starter, with a cast of dragons, elves, merfolk and one solitary human hero.

Vahly, is the main character and – unusually for epic fantasy – she was supposed to be the Chosen One, but something has gone very wrong. The four elements of earth, air, water and fire are out of balance, as are the respective races. Humans (earth magic) are almost extinct; the elves (air magic) have isolated themselves; the dragons (fire magic) fight amongst themselves and watch anxiously as the magic waters of the merfolk – toxic to the dragons – spread insidiously across the land, swallowing everything and everyone in their way.

With the help of a rogue elf and a roguish band of dragon allies, Vahly sets out on a last ditch attempt to ignite her dormant Earth powers before the waters take the world. Meanwhile beneath the sea, Ryton, right-fin man of the Sea Queen, attempts to balance his duties to his family, friends and the rest of his people, whilst curbing his queen’s power hungry excesses. Let the war games begin!

I was pulled straight into the world Alisha Klapheke has created here, and was caught up in the action for the majority of the book. There was just one point towards the middle of the plot where I completely lost the thread. There is a jump in the action which left me floundering and confused, flicking back to what I had read previously and wondering if there were missing pages in my ebook. My confusion lasted right up until the author revealed that there was a logical and necessary reason for my bewilderment and suddenly it all made complete sense again!

The ending resolves the immediate issues, whilst setting the scene for the further quests and battles to come. The worldbuilding of the four elements, races and powers, and the engaging characters of Vahly and her brave band of misfits make this fantasy stand out from the crowd and hook you into wanting to find out what happens next.

Fans of classic dragons-and-magic epic fantasy will enjoy this and I will be waiting eagerly to find out where the series goes next.

The humans, eyeing her from their settlement below, had first reported the signs of the Sea Queen’s growing power. Rumbling earth. Beached sea life. Afraid and lacking the earth magic they once used to fight the sea, the humans had given the dragons permission to soar over their territory. Unlikely allies against a common enemy.

– Alisha Klapheke, Fate of Dragons

Review by Steph Warren of Bookshine and Readbows blog