A review by alyssaindira
Castles in their Bones by Laura Sebastian



“Power is an illusion, and the more of it people think you have, the more determined they will be to tear you down.”

(It is books like this that make me want to strangle goodreads for not having half stars).
This book was pretty good, basic but enjoyable. The writing was similar to Ash Princess in the way it was fast and simple, easy to read and understand. It also had more behind the scenes scheming and political intrigue than overt bang bang action that gets ones heart pumping. There was lots of politics and relationship drama in this book, which I guess was to be expected? But honestly, some of the story was a bit bland and easily forgettable, in the way that some of the plot lines and 'twists' were predictable, to some extent. I know some readers like predictable stories because of the comfort, but for me, it takes the fun out of it.

The writing/story was definitely young adult, almost too young adult for me. Like maybe if there had been even some little bit of spice in the bedroom, like true, and conflicting feelings about that, that could have added an element to the book that I would have enjoyed. The romance....was either slow burn, false or non existent, to varying degrees. And I am a sucker for love stories in a fantasy world..

I honestly think this book should of had 6 povs, now, stay with me. The triplets pov was alright, but they did kind of blur together. The main things separating them were each sisters individual predicament, which I did enjoy reading how they handled themselves and all the court drama. Even if they took actions that I did not agree with, ahah! But, I think it would have been even more intriguing if each of the princes had even just one chapter, to get their thoughts on the princesses. Speaking of the princes's....eh, none of them really caught my eye. They werent that charming or sexy or smirky....one of them kinda of tried to be but felt short. So the princes's were a bit forgetable too. (TO be honest I liked the kings better).

I did enjoy the stardust concept that was within the book. That was cool, since I had never read a magic system that involved stardust. I also did enjoy reading through the sisters journeys and how they handled their respective courts and dealt with the prince's and circumstances. So while some things were bland and predictable, it was still a cute fantasy story that I got to be apart of.

If the sequel is out on audiobook, I might be inclined to listen to that, but I do not think I will be buying the second book.

Alright, remember,this is all my opinion, if you want your own, read the book.