A review by trin_ney18
Mila 2.0: Renegade by Debra Driza


Mila is on the run. Alongside the charming Hunter she runs from those that want to lock her up. She's on a quest to find out who she really is. What makes her human. As human as she can be considering she's an adroid. While on the run and fulfilling her quest things start to catch up to her. Things she's lied about and kept in the past.

I honestly could've lived my whole life without reading this book. I can say that I've read worst. I didn't hate it but I'm not gonna sit there waiting for the next book. The original concept was really interesting but I feel like things are just getting muddled. I had absolutely no interest to pick this book up again when I set it down. It took a lot of self-motivation.

But the author did do a good job of keeping you guessing. You question everyone and their motives. The uneasiness of wanting to know who are the good guys and who are the bad guys is really what kept me going in the middle. Towards the end things did start to pick up. I really wish the rest of the book had this tempo. Finally we get to see some interesting conflict.

Like I said I'm not too fond with the concept of a sequel. The way things left off was meant to have people saying 'omg I sooo need the next book. Did you see that cliffhanger?'. It could just be cause I'm impatient but I feel like we should've just resolved things in this book instead of going on a wild goose chase. But for everything a reason.