A review by charlieparkin
Turtles All the Way Down by John Green


I don't often read YA. I don't know why, because when a story like this comes along that so concisely feeds me a simple story, so compelling.

I was so interesting to read about the torturous thought pattern for someone with OCD. I loved how Aza tried to communicate how it was to be her. The feeling of being trapped inside a body and mind that doesn't co-operate, is something, regardless of diagnosis, that is universally relatable.

The existential crisis and investigation of the sense of self were beautifully explored through Aza's neurosis. I have been reading Eckhart Tolle and weirdly these, perhaps, went hand in hand. Talking about how we are fighting our thoughts, our Egos etc.

I also loved how the author referenced literature and poetry. I'm sure that this book will inspire a lot of readers and allow people to verbalize and communicate their mental health problems with more confidence :).