A review by bibliophile90
The Lie by Karina Halle



"Our love was wrong. A lie we told ourseleves. And it cost us the world."

I was intrigued by Brigs when I met him in The Play. I couldn't wait to get to read his story. I knew it wouldn't be an easy one. For four years Brigs has put a pause on his life and couldn't LIVE because of guilt. I get where he is coming from, I think I would've felt the same way if I went through what he did.

"Just breathing the same air she breathes hurts me."

The first reunion between Brigs and Natasha was painful. Natasha has tried to get over Brigs and start a new life. But seeing him again makes all her feelings come to surface. We get to see their story in present and flashbacks. I normally don't like flashbacks that much but I really enjoyed them in The Lie. The flashbacks were necessary to get the full experience of their love. It was obvious that Natasha and Brigs are meant to be a.k.a. soulmates!

"You've done something to me, awakened a heart in my soul. You have completely enchanted me, my girl, and I am powerless against you. You've taken me from the start."

Some parts were heartbreaking to read, especially when Brigs has a dream (you'll know when you read it!). I shed a few tears during that scene. I loved how Tasha and Brigs healed eachother and realised that they still loved each other. However both were feeling guilty, especially Natasha, and she resisted at first. But that thankfully didn't take too long (Brigs can be very convincing!!)

"The human heart isn't meant to be caged by someone who doesn't feed it."

I love Brigs, and he is so sexy! I LOVED the sex scenes a LOT. It was like Brigs transformed and became something else, something more primal. I need a Brigs in my life: a gentleman on the streets but a freak in the sheets! I also loved Natasha's character because she was so full of life and just perfect for Brigs. They really completed each other. Kayla and Lachlan made an appearance in this book which I really liked, I miss them a lot!

"We are forever surrounded by ashes. But we are fire. And fire rises."

I am really looking forward to Karina's next books. She keeps on surprising us readers and giving us such great stories!