A review by floppybutton
The Queen by Skye Warren


5 Crumbling Castles Stars!!!

Penny. …the limp in my step. The ache in my hands. The weakness in my body. She is the only one who can take it. Damon is Penny’s hell on earth. He tortures her to no end. It’s more than just a push and pull. Damon unleashes the worst of the worst on Penny, to the point that no one would blame Penny for walking away forever. He lashes her with his words, hurting her over and over again. Why does she stay? It’s more than love. She doesn’t just love him. This story has an EPIC feel. These two are meant to be together. One of my favorite couples.

Damon. Lost. Not sane. He has gone through one of the worst childhoods in the history of ever, being abused physically and mentally in every way. I love that we learn all about Damon in this book. Why he is the way he is. He owns the city, and yet he owns nothing. He uses Penny with no remorse. Of all the men in the world, he really isn’t worthy of her, and that’s not an exaggeration.

The GROVEL!! Oh, the grovel. I didn’t understand why Skye named this book The Queen until the end of this book, and now I get it. That’s all I can say without spoiling. Zipping my lips.

Skye should win an award for her writing of the asshole. Not many authors can pull off a perfect asshole, and she does it flawlessly. Of course, once an asshole, always an asshole, and Skye stays true to that statement. Gabriel or Damon. Damon or Gabriel. I can’t choose!!! They are equally assholely, but the reasons for their actions are soooo different that it’s so hard to compare them. I can’t love one more or less than the other, so I will place them on the same level on my ultimate book boyfriend list.

Assholes aside (*giggles because I’m so mature), Skye is one of my favorite writers ever. I think I say this in every single one of my reviews, but I love her words. Her words evoke more than just feels. They evoke FEELS. Her words make me breathe and stop breathing at the same time.

I love this book so much that I would give my left tit (because that’s the one I don’t like) for an extended epilogue of Damon and Penny. Maybe 5 years later??? Pretty, please, Skye….with a Damon on top?

ARC courtesy of publisher in exchange for an honest review

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