A review by booksuperpower
All the Sweet Tomorrows by Bertrice Small


All the Sweet Tomorrows by Bertrice Small is a 2004 Ballantine publication.

This book was originally published back in 1984 and is a whopping 600 pages in length if you have the print copy. This is the second book in the Skye O'Malley series.

The opening of this book reminded me of how Skye started out in the first book, and I was not too happy with this set of circumstances, although I was aware something like this was going to happen, I didn't expect it to take place so soon.

Skye finds herself once again widowed and one again betrothed in an arranged marriage. This time the marriage takes place in order for her to keep her son's inheritance in tact and for her to continue to control her fortunes, but once again, the man she marries is abusive and the man she loves dropped the ball so to speak and it takes some time for him to get his ducks in a row and get the love of his life back.

The story starts out on a sad note and for me it set the tone for the first half of the book and well, I was not all that into it. I was not happy with the situation Skye was put in, and not happy with Adam for not stepping up in the first place. But, the second half really picked up and Skye of course lives out a most adventurous and action filled life. She travels far and wide, there is a passionate love story, villains and danger, action and intrigue, making this one yet another epic and sweeping romance.

Keep in mind this is an older 'bodice ripper' book which has been released into digital format. So, these days I like to include a disclaimer when reviewing these older books: These stories are not for the faint of heart, so be warned, there are some pretty rough passages here and there.

If you like strong women who overcome severe adversity without losing their spirit and the men who love them and will do whatever it takes to win them and protect them, if you like pirates, action, steamy sex scenes, and a satisfying happy ever after, then you will find this one thrilling and absorbing.

I think by the story's end the followers of this series will feel content with the knowledge that Skye has found, at long, last the man for her. I think Adam and Skye will live many a long and happy year together.

Overall 3.5 rounded to 4