A review by meganmreads
Imaginary Girls by Nova Ren Suma


Imaginary Girls was intense, creepy, and mysterious. For a very long time, I had no idea what was happening. On the surface, Chloe found a dead girl floating in the middle of their local reservoir while swimming one night and it freaked her out. But underneath, it was a story about something else altogether.

The book is one of the most unique stories I’ve read in a while. I loved the way it was written because it revealed small pieces of the story lurking under the surface. It was written from Chloe’s point of view, which was obviously skewed in favor of her sister, Ruby. Imaginary Girls was such a sinister story. It was a story about family and the bond between Ruby and Chloe, but it was also a story about control.

It’s difficult to go into too much detail without ruining the plot. It was just one those books you have to read to figure out.

I loved the book and I would recommend it to fans of Megan Abbott’s novels. Like her books, Imaginary Girls was strange, dark, twisted, and sinister, but also beautiful and engaging. While Imaginary Girls is more YA than Megan Abbott’s novels, they share a lot of similar themes. I’m so glad I found the book during my last used bookstore run! I can’t wait to read more of the author’s books.