A review by jobustitch
The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot


I honestly cannot stop thinking about this book or the Lacks family. I spent all weekend with it because I couldn't put the book down. I am fascinated that not much has changed since 1951 with the legality of abandoned tissue. Sure, now there is informed consent, but what exactly does that mean?

I think while the science of the book is great, the heart of the book is the Lacks family. Henrietta's children are more interesting to me than the science. I became interested in the same questions they were asking. What Henrietta's favorite color? How much pain did she suffer? Why did no one tell them what was happening with her tissue? If she saved so many lives through her donation, why couldn't her children get access to health care?

Ms. Skloot has written a powerful book and I cannot stop thinking about Henrietta and the children and grandchildren that she left behind. Everyone should read this book.