A review by zoenosis
Carpentaria by Alexis Wright


There is so much to say about this book, because there is so much going on. Deaths of kids in custody, family feuds, mining conglomerates, spirits, the land and sea as characters themselves with their own quasi-personalities and motivations. I don't think I necessarily understood everything that went on in this book, but I was awe-struck. This book really challenged the way I think about engaging with literature, it challenged all my conceptions of what story-telling is and how to 'do' it. Truly amazing.

Listening to this as an audiobook instead fo reading it was a GAME CHANGER for me - as the pace of the novel is quite slow, I think I probably would have given up or spent most of the time flicking back and forth to figure out what point in the timeline we were in and who everyone was. Instead, I sat back and let the story unfold without trying to constantly "figure it out" and that really worked for me.