A review by nina_rod
I Am Nujood, Age 10 and Divorced by Delphine Minoui, Nojoud Ali


Gosh... While reading about Nujood's ordeal, my first thought was that I'll happily take my 70 cents on the dollar, thank you very much! What a horrible fate to be married off at 9-years old to a barbarian three times older than you. And how incredibly brave Nujood was to take it upon herself, with no help from other grown ups to travel to a nearby city to a courthouse and ask for a judge to demand a divorce. Nujood's own father didn't care about her rape and beatings and her own mother told her, her married life is just what women have to endure. Nujood's older sister was married off to her rapist in order to save the family honor. Ugh...

Even while Nujood's rebellion is admirable in our Western eyes, conservatives in her country of Yemen call it an affront to the patriarch and punishable by death via honor killing. So it's imperative that all of us... Men and women... fight for women's rights and rally against poverty and lack of education everywhere.

This book is surprisingly short. But I guess not so surprising since she is only ten.