A review by snaze6
Catch and Release by Lori Matthews


Another thrilling and suspenseful read from
Lori Matthews. Her storylines balance romance, intrigue and enough sizzle to keep your attention from beginning to end.

Madison/Monty is in Florence Italy complete a forensic audit for a fashion house her friend Drake Jameson is considering making a substantial investment. Madison is surprised to find she’s being followed through the streets and dark alleys of
Florence by a scary Russian. She contacts Drake for help and is sent to meet former Navy SEAL now security consultant for Callahan Security, Jake Boxer.

Jake has just completed an assignment and is exhausted, so he is less than enthusiastic when his boss calls and tells him to meet an Accountant in the hotel lobby because she’s being followed by a former
Russian GRU agent.

Shortly after meeting Jake and Madison are running for safety and trying to evade the Italian Polizia and the Russian. The storyline keeps you guessing as the author keeps throwing twists and surprises at these

The emotions swing from one extreme to the other at the unexpected attraction between Jake and Madison and their inability to keep their hands off each other. Jake is distracted by Madison and kicking himself for breaking the cardinal rule of not getting involved with a protectee/client.

I thoroughly enjoyed the nonstop action and romantic suspense. This was the third book I’ve read in this series. This book can easily be read as a standalone; however, reading the prior books would enhance the experience as several secondary characters are from prior books in the series.

I received a free ARC from the author and Hidden Gems; and I am voluntarily leaving an unbiased review.