A review by netgyrl
Everything Between Us by Harper Bliss


3 stars - Well written and narrated. I did not really care for either MC so.... yeah.

So far, the first book in the Pink Bean series has been my favorite. I really liked it.

In the third book we learn more about Josephine, 28 yo barista at the Pink Bean. She is a big girl and her whole internal life is spent obsessed with it. She feels she is judged everywhere she goes by how she looks. No one could find her attractive because of how she looks. No one could fall in love with her because of her weight. It even affects her ability to "let go" when being intimate with someone. You guys. I am a big girl. I get it, I really do, but damn girl. It just got tiring to read about. I guess it was supposed to be ironic that she is a PhD student who's thesis is on Body Positivity but it just seemed a bit crazy that she isn't able to apply anything she is researching to herself? It was not interesting to me that her main character traits where being insecure about being fat and stressing over it 24/7. I never saw what the hell Caitlyn was so captivated by that made her fall in love with Josephine and pursue her so diligently. I am big but I still think I am pretty and I have a killer personality. I am kind and fun to be around. I just didn't get any of that from Jo. I never got the attraction or chemistry between them at all.

I am taking a break from the Pink Bean for a bit, but I will most likely keep trying since they are on sale for 3 books for 1 audible credit. I cant resist a deal. lol.