A review by queencleo
Enemies at Home by Lindsey Davis


The next installment in the adventures of Flavia "Albiola" and Tiberius Manlius Faustus.
A newlywed couple has been murdered in their bed and the slaves of the house have claimed sanctuary at the local Temple of Ceres, where they are all under suspicion.
To confuse matters, the household silverware has disappeared and not resurfaced - despite being a very distinctive set

I love reading these new relationships unfold and it was very nice to revisit Justinus and Aulus in this one, even though in my head they are young men of twenty still and not senators of almost 40

I did miss Posthumos in this one though, hopefully he'll be back.
This series has been a salve to the chaotic times we live in with the Covid pandemic. It's a relief to sink into the fantasy world of an anachronistic Ancient Rome and Ms Davis' brand of humour