A review by litwithlexie
The Christmasaurus and the Naughty List by Tom Fletcher


I like how this book opens with previously on the christmasaurus like the beginning of a TV show. I also like that this was from the authors point of view, Tom, and this is only noticed when it says 'I am just an author' which I like as it breaks the fourth wall which is so unexpected in a book to happen.

I found chapter 3 so funny as the the Christmasaurus had its first wobbly tooth and has the National Elf Service to sort it and I like that the elfies sing but they don't like people interrupted their songs. I also like the list of names on the naughty list as you have one of Tom's sons mention.

I like that this book is about the Christmasaurus trying to make a change by himself rather than with William. I like the illustration before each characters section of the book. The first is Ronnie Nutbog, who is a bully with fists like potatoes.
I like the reference to Thor's hammer and loose grannies instead of loose women and the reference to the danger gang.

I like that the audience get to see why Ronnie steals and didn't realise that he was doing something naughty. But I like that the Christmasaurus was able to change that and bond well with ronnie.

I enjoyed that the reader got to see that because Ronnie got put on the nice list things started to change like the carolers buying the rocking chair for Ronnie's nan.

I liked how much each new character and location gets descriptive.Truly and Utterly are very spoilt. I like how Phoebe, the toy maker's daughter, gives her one of a kind giraffe to the twins and this makes them finally share, well it isn't instant but the Christmasaurus shows them their impact on the other children in the kingdom and they decide to give all their toys to everyone else and give a golden tile to the toymaker so he can re-open his shop.

Marvin and Braydon were best friends and brothers but acted like twins as everything one did so did the other.They also wanted to win the junior ping pong championship. But that all changed at Christmas when Marvin got a gamebox and he is now glued to it and doesn't care about ping pong.

I like that by Marvin meeting the Christmasaurus he realised that he misses playing ping pong and decides to enter the junior championship with Braydon and they were able to win.

Ella Noying hates vegetables however it is funny that she hates vegetables but her mum is a vegetarian. So Ella comes up with a plan to get rid of her mums revolving vegetarian food, by going to the rubbish dump ,which is from a different book by Tom.

I like that the Christmasaurus took Ella to the North Pole which is strange for a person on the naughty list to see. But by doing this Ella meets Buttercream who turns the brussels sprouts Ella had into delicious food, Buttercream also let Ella take her magical cook book to use at home.

Gemolina Shine is so self centered and will do anything to stay that way.
Gemolina main goal is to get the chirstmas solo, but this year there is a opposition Dorothy. In every audition Dorothy has Gemolina has done something to affect it like setting the fire alarm off too forging handwriting of the head teacher.

I like that with Gemolina the Christmasaurus witnessed her being naughty. This starts the Christmasaurus to create a plan but is interrupted as Gemolina and the Christmasaurus hear the most beautiful singing and question who is singing.

I like that the reader gets to find out more about Dorothy that she has seven brothers and is invisible to them. I like that Gemolina was able to make Dorothy stand out by letting her sing the solo.

William Trundle, how is he on the naughty list. Well it is because when helping at the museum he sees the new fossil and by accident knocks it and it wobbles then suddenly falls and cracks.

I like that Brenda is in William's part of the book as well. I like that the Christmasaurus is helping William to make sure he can be the nice list and make it clear William breaking the tooth was an accident and the Christmasaurus helped him replace it when his tooth fell out. This had completed all of the list of children the Christmasaurus had visited.

Once the Christmasaurus got to the North Pole. Santa was able to set off to deliver present to everyone. I liked the last pages as it told the reader what each child got for being on the nice list.