A review by profromance
Shattered With You by J. Kenner


Call me a diehard J. Kenner fan. Well, I’m working on it as she has quite the library of books. Basically, I am a Stark series fan. I’ve read everything about Damien and Nikki Stark’s story, and it keeps me coming back for more.

I believe it’s her book, Lost with Me, that introduced me to Quincy Radcliffe, the former British intelligence operative/Deliverance leader. From the start, this man has intrigued me. He is everything you love in an an intelligence hero: handsome, internal, secretive, intelligent, and bold. When he’s involved in a Stark novel, you know the bad guys will be brought to justice. I think Eliza says it best in Shattered With You when she says “his skill set is way more Liam Neeson than James Bond.” He will go to most any length to see that the job is completed, and no one is harmed.

Up to this point, we know very little about Quincy (Quince to his friends) because he is so secretive and internal. However, in Kenner’s Damien, we get a sense that there is more to Quincy’s story than we realize.

Shattered with You is the first book in the Stark Security series. This is Quincy’s book. And it is everything you love about J. Kenner: full of action and suspense, a broken past, some angst, and a lot of fiery $exual chemistry.

We learn that Quincy has a former love, Eliza Tucker. They meet in London, fall in love, and Quincy leaves one weekend and never comes back. As is the case with most J. Kenner stories, there is much, much more to the story. However, we are dealing with two people with broken pasts who must find a way to salvage the present. This story suggests that two people together are better at healing than doing so by one’s self. This is the supreme love truth of this book.

The Quincy of earlier Stark books is all work and no play. What this book shows us is he cares. He protects the people he loves to a detriment. He can be broody but he can also be thoughtful and profound. He sees into the souls of people which allow him to offer them solace when they need it. I loved the Quincy of this book (as I figured I would).

Eliza is strength personified. Her past is littered with trauma. Given her trauma, she should be wholly broken. Yet, she challenges Quincy in ways other women haven’t. She stands her ground with him after he has broken her heart, and she doesn’t allow him to stay silent about his disappearance in her life. She is tenacious and brings about positivity in their connection. Together, these two complete each other. In and out of the bedroom, they push the other to overcome their pasts and become better people.

If you like romance with some cloak and dagger, a little bit of heartbreak, and recurring characters who read like a comfy blanket on a cold day, then you should read Shattered with You. It has suspense, sexiness, and love. J. Kenner doesn’t ever disappoint in the Stark universe.

Overall: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️