A review by jamie_w
Collide by Riley Hart


4.5 - I really did love Noah and Cooper! The slurs and homophobia in the book definitely made for a more stressful and sad reading experience. That layered with the fact there were some truths that didn't come to light until the end, made it even more dramatic.

Noah and Cooper had to work for their HEA! Cooper had never been attracted to another man before Noah and he wasn't sure how to handle it. He struggled in so many ways and did hurt Noah in the process. While it was intentional his actions (or lack thereof) did have consequences they both had to face.

Noah came back to Blackcreek without much of anything. He had just gotten out of a dead end relationship and was kind of nursing some wounds. I don't think he anticipated falling for Coop in any way but that's what happened. He was very respectful of Coop but only to a point. Coop kept coming to him and Noah was honest about his feelings.

I did want to strangle Coop periodically. He was still dealing with survivors' guilt and felt like he had a debt he owed to his aunt and uncle for taking him in when he lost his parents. Unfortunately that loyalty caused a rift with Noah.

When Coop and Noah were good, they were so good! This was a slow burn and was worth the wait! These two had been best friends when they were young and were torn apart for reasons they didn't understand. It was great to have them reconnect in so many ways and give each other the love and support they both desperately needed.