A review by goodverbsonly
The Clone Wars by Karen Traviss


I’ve read four star wars novels so far (ROTS, Wild Space, New Dawn) and this one is my favorite. Here’s why:

1. The Anakin POV and all-around characterization was beautiful. Panicky, caring boy, with a little more bluster than we saw in the movies, but less than in the cartoon. In other words, my Anakin. In fact, anything I didn’t like about this book is overshadowed by the fact that it felt like my Anakin. I felt like there was enough done in regards to his Trauma(tm) and a lot of reflection on Shmi and Tatooine, and Padme, also his brand new Padawan Ahsoka Tano. Also he was funny and a child and I loved him

2. Yes. Early tcw Ahsoka is annoying. She’s...a really optimistic 13 year old girl whose temper and lack of impulse control gives Anakin a run for his money. She’s all of these things. She’s wonderful tough and dangerous and I love her.

4. Palpatine, AS ALWAYS, was deliciously evil. And smug. God, what a good villain.

5. Rex. I was shocked and surprised by how much Rex was in this book and it was Amazing. He had such a strong voice and a wonderful personality and he made a joke about taxes, and also Anakin loves Rex so much and Rex loves Anakin.

6. Speaking of Clones I am of course Sad About Them, which goes without saying, and I remembered that I love star wars, because their armor is literally designed to have them keep up with Jedi, which of course, you know...worked out terribly for everyone involved.

7. i’m glad the book gave some weight to all of Anakin’s shit. Especially the Hutts. I just rewatched the movie, and I remember thinking that they probably should have spent a little more time, but I instead liked Anakin’s constant internal meltdown about it. It was both sad and funny. Actually all of the weight, and how YOUNG Anakin was and the battle and the losses and THE FORCE. IT WAS ALL GOOD. For a book clearly written for middle grade it was DARK. Anyway, will someone check on Anakin PLEASE GOD.

8. When Padme calls at the end, Anakin literally thinks “Padme? Hey! That’s my wife!” which is so funny. Also, I’m calling it -Ahsoka knew about them from the beginning. Fight me, Filoni.

Some things I didn’t like:

1. Why didn’t Anakin call Obi-Wan Obi-Wan A Single Time! Kenobi this, Kenobi that! Boooooo!

2. i could do without hutt narration, frankly. or dooku.

3. i’m on the fence about ventress and the backstory the novelization provides. i mean, i love her, but still.

4. i guess this is something i’m just going to have to get used to about star wars, but the constant perspective changing is annoying!!!! Also, like no Ahsoka perspectice! What gives?

EDIT: I’m a bad Ahsoka fan bc i’ve actually read FIVE star wars novels! i own Ahsoka in hard cover wtf is wrong with me?