A review by siobhan27
The Way We Fall by Megan Crewe


I am a huge fan of dystopian novels, I think you can tell from the amount of that genre I actually read, But The Way We Fall was different and very surprising. I did not expect to open this book and watch as the world she created fell apart in front of my eyes. I am so used to reading about a collapsed world that already exists and hear the back-story about how it actually happened. But Megan chose to go a different route and show how everything happened, from beginning to end.

The book is written in journal form, which I found very interesting, especially since it was written as a long letter to her former friend Leo who moved away before everything happened. It made everything that much more personal, and made for a very interesting way of telling a story, because since we are seeing everything through Kaelyn's eyes, we tend to miss things along the way. And this actually helps with the mystery of the whole thing.

I loved that the story was so dark and bleak, because that is the way Kaelyn was feeling most of the time, and I loved Kaelyn as a character. She was so loyal and good. She wanted nothing more than to have her family and friends around her, but that all changed when she moved away with her family and then came back a year before the plague hit. Kaelyn is the kind of character you can get behind as a reader, especially when you take into account of all the things that happen to her throughout the book.

I found it very interesting the amount of information we learn about Leo and his role in Kealyn's life just from her writing to him. I loved that part, and I have a feeling he will be a big part of the next book, which makes for a very interesting scenario considering the love interest that Kealyn acquired in The Way We Fall. Gav was a great secondary character because he showed us a different side of Kaelyn that we didn't see through her writing and it was with him that she became the girl she always told Leo she would be. And I loved that.

This is a great dystopian novel that will have you guessing from the very beginning. Your heart will race and your heart will break after everything is over, but I will tel you this, it is worth it. This novel takes a concept that has been done over and over again and gives it facelift. An amazing book.