A review by archergal
Rubicon by J.S. Dewes


Say you're a soldier fighting a hive mind of robotic enemies, who are also able to take over your body if they capture you. The only way to escape is to die. Fortunately (or not, as we see as the story goes on) you can almost immediately re-spawn back into another body. And return to fight again.

I thought this was a little slow at the beginning. Then the action ramped up, and it got into some interesting (and slightly alarming) issues of what it is t0 be human when you can be sent back again and again and again. And then you get what's basically a sentient AI implanted in your skull, who MAY have your best interests at heart.

I got this book because I thought it was a powered suit/mecha sort of book. (I have a small weakness for mecha and kaiju stories.) It isn't quite that, but it's close enough. And this kind of book owes a lot (IMHO) to the Murderbot books, in attitude more than anything else. Not complaining about that though.

But that ending made me unhappy. I guess the author's setting up for a sequel, but jeezopete. :( :(