A review by booktrovert420
The Bookstore by Deborah Meyler


Let me just start by saying that I loved this book. I really enjoy books that are about marriage and pregnancy or motherhood because for me, it helps make the characters relatable since marriage and pregnancy are huge parts of my life. This story takes place in Manhattan which is great because who wouldn't want to be a mother in Manhattan? So many opportunities for both you AND your child. The only thing I didn't like in regards to the story line is that the father of the child didn't treat the main character well at all, ever. I thought for sure he would come around or that she at least would stand up for herself and not take anymore of his crap. This unfortunately didn't happen and I was left feeling sorry for both her and their child. She clearly was a good person, attractive and if this were real life I don't think she'd have had a hard time finding a decent man if that was what she wanted. By the end of the book I felt like I was friends with this woman and that I would have loved to have our children together for a play date.